Cassandra Trotter
A New Hairdo
This photo demonstrates texture through angle in which you can see the bristles. It also uses the rule of thirds as the main focus is not directly in the center but to the side of the photo. I like that this photo includes the strands of hair which give a hint as to what the subject is. I think I could have improved this picture by having more of the photo in focus. This photo fits into the style of photography I chose which is abstract because it does not represent the subject in a literal way. I planned this photo by writing down ideas of objects that would look intriguing when taken in an abstract way. I wanted to do something with bristles (toothbrush, hairbrush, etc) then I thought of a certain hairbrush I have that has two different types of bristles which give the photo an added dimension. I also had to find the right light to capture a well-exposed photo that was not grainy.
About Me
I started taking photos with a DSLR camera in this class. Before this, I always used a point and shoot digital camera or my phone. At the start of the class, I was figuring out how to use the functions on the camera like shutter speed, aperture and iso. I think I have improved a lot because I now understand what needs to happen in order to take a good photo. I also learned how to implement the elements of design in order to make my photo visually appealing. My favourite thing to shoot is nature photography because I grew up always being outside. We have 100 acres of property at our house and a few more 100 acres shared by family in scattered areas. I was always outdoors discovering, now I can effectively share the sights I see through photography. I love to capture the beauty that nature holds and that I have seen since I was a baby.


Reach for the Sky
This photo demonstrates line through the main branch and leads to the end which contains majority of the pine cones and a spider web, as well as the bright blue sky. This represents rule of thirds as the main subject are not directly in the center but to the side and up. I like the bright blue colour of the sky and the web on the end of the branch because it captures an extra aspect of nature. I would improve this photo by making the shutter speed a little faster as it is slightly bright. This photo fits into the style of photography I chose (nature) because it includes only natural (not man-made) things. At the beginning I wanted to take a photo of tree bark but when I began to shoot it, it did not look the way I had imagined and wanted it to. Then, I started shooting the branches and pine cones which I found much more visually appealing.